
In the Setup file, the source option of section [setup] defines the directory that is to be processed by Évariste.

Configuration files

To apply specitif configuration to a single file or directory, or to any subfile and subdirectory of a given directory, use: Per-file and per-directory configuration files.

Ignore files

You might want to ignore some files (no compilation, nor rendering). There are two ways of doing this.

Ignore one file

For any file, if a file or exists, then is ignored. The content of the *.evsignore files here is not read: their mere existence is sufficient.

Ignore several files

Patterns of file to ignore can be set in .evsignore files in any directory.

  • Each line contains a pattern of some files to ignore.

  • Empty lines and line starting with # are ignored.

  • Lines starting with / match absolute path, while line not starting with / match relative path. For instance, let us consider the following directory tree.

    + foo
      + bar
      + baz
        + bar

    In a file foo/.evsignore, pattern /bar would ignore foo/bar but not foo/baz/bar, while bar would ignore both foo/bar and foo/baz/bar.

  • In patterns:

    • * matches everything;

    • ? matches any single character;

    • [seq] matches any character in seq;

    • [!seq] matches any character not in seq.


Annotation of files is implemented in the HTML and HTMLplus plugins.