action.autocommand — Compile file according to mime type or extension

Like the action.command plugin, this plugin is used to define which command should be used to compile some files. But with this plugin, you can define several rules that will apply dependinng of the mime type or extension of the file to compile.


Commands defined in the setup file apply to the whole repository. Commands defined in the configuration file of a directory recursively apply to this directory.


Each rule is defined into its own section [action.autocommand.FOO].

Common options of action plugins and options of action.command also apply here (strace, command, targets). New options are:

  • priority (50): If several rules apply to a file, the one with highest priority applies.

  • extensions: Space separated list of file extensions this rule should apply to.

  • mimetypes: Space separated list of mime types this rule should apply to.

Note that:

  • if extensions and mimetypes are both set, the rule applies to files that match either of them.

  • if neither extensions nor mimetypes are set, the end of the section is considered to be the extension (that is, a section [action.autocommand.ods] with no extensions or mimetypes option would apply to .ods files).


  • Compile LaTeX files using latex+dvipdf:

    targets = {basename}.pdf
    command =
        latex {basename}
        dvipdf {basename}


    Shameless self-promotion

    If you have several LaTeX files that require different compilation tools, you might be interested in SpiX, which reads the compilation chain that has been written into the tex file itself.

  • Convert OpenDocuments to PDF:

    mimetypes = application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*
    extensions = fods fodt
    command = libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf {filename}
    targets = {basename}.pdf
  • Convert Gimp files to png:

    command = echo "\
          (define (convert-xcf-to-png filename outfile) \
             (let* \
                ( \
                   (image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename))) \
                   (drawable (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image CLIP-TO-IMAGE))) \
                ) \
                (file-png-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable outfile outfile 0 9 0 0 0 0 0) \
             ) \
          ) \
          (convert-xcf-to-png \"{filename}\" \"{basename}.png\") \
          (gimp-quit 0)" | \
          gimp -i -b -
    targets = {basename}.png