Source code for evariste.plugins

# Copyright Louis Paternault 2015-2022
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Plugin base class and plugin loader

Every plugin is a subclass of :class:`Plugin` (see :ref:`write` for more information).

The :class:`Loader` class finds and loads the plugins.




.. autoclass:: Plugin


.. autoclass:: Loader
   :members: get_plugin, iter, values, items, applyiterhook, match


.. autofunction:: find_plugins


.. autoclass:: NoMatch


import collections
import contextlib
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import os
import shlex
import sys
import typing

from .. import errors, hooks, setup, utils
from ..shared import Shared

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("evariste")

#: Set of mandatory plugins: plugins that are loaded by default, and cannot be disabled.

[docs] class NoMatch(errors.EvaristeError): """No plugin found matching ``value``.""" def __init__(self, value, available): super().__init__() self.value = value self.available = available def __str__(self): return f"Value '{self.value}' does not match any of {self.available}."
class SameKeyword(errors.EvaristeError): """Two plugins have the same keyword.""" def __init__(self, keyword, plugin1, plugin2): super().__init__() self.keyword = keyword self._plugins = (plugin1, plugin2) def __str__(self): # pylint: disable=line-too-long return f"""Plugins '{self._plugins[0].__name__}' and '{self._plugins[1].__name__}' have the same keyword '{self.keyword}'.""" class NotAPlugin(errors.EvaristeError): """Superclass of plugins is not a plugin.""" def __init__(self, obj): super().__init__() self.obj = obj def __str__(self): return ( """Class '{obj.__module__}.{obj.__name__}' is not a plugin """ """(it should inherit from """ """'{superclass.__module__}.{superclass.__name__}').""" ).format(obj=self.obj, superclass=Plugin) class PluginNotFound(errors.EvaristeError): """Plugin cannot be found.""" def __init__(self, keyword): super().__init__() self.keyword = keyword def __str__(self): return f"Cannot find plugin '{self.keyword}'."
[docs] @functools.total_ordering class Plugin: """Plugin base: all imported plugins must be subclasses of this class. See :ref:`write` to see how to write a new plugin. :param Shared shared: The object :ref:`shared <shared>` among plugins. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods #: Keyword plugin, used to reference it: it is used #: to :ref:`enable plugins in the setup file <plugins>`, #: to name its section in the :ref:`setup file <setup>`, etc. keyword: typing.Union[None, str] = None #: When Évariste has to choose *one* plugin among several one, #: it chooses the one with higher priority. priority: int = 0 #: Default value for section ``self.keyword`` in the :ref:`setup file <setup>`. #: It may be overwritten by data provided by user in the :ref:`setup file <setup>`. #: See :ref:`default_setup`. default_setup: typing.Dict[str, str] = {} #: Default values for setup file. See :ref:`default_setup`. global_default_setup: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, str]] = {} #: Type of the plugin. #: Plugins of the same type gather some common behaviour. plugin_type: str = "" #: Iterable of plugins this plugin depends on. #: When this plugin is enabled, those plugins are enabled as well. depends: typing.Iterator[str] = () def __init__(self, shared): #: Common data shared with every :class:`Tree` and :class:`~evariste.plugins.Plugin` #: of this :class:`~evariste.builder.Builder`. self.shared: Shared = shared #: Same as :attr:`Plugin.shared`, but from this plugin point of view: #: see :meth:`evariste.shared.Shared.get_plugin_view` and :ref:`plugin_local`. self.local = shared.get_plugin_view(self.keyword) self._set_default_setup()
[docs] @classmethod def depends_dynamic(cls, shared) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Iterator of plugins this plugin depends on (as an iterator of :class:`str`) When this plugin is enabled, those plugins are enabled as well. :param Shared shared: Shared object of the current builder. Warning: called before everything is settled down """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument yield from ()
def _set_default_setup(self): """Set default value for this plugin setup, if necessary.""" default = setup.Setup() for parent in reversed(self.__class__.mro()): # pylint: disable=no-member if hasattr(parent, "global_default_setup"): default.update(parent.global_default_setup) if hasattr(parent, "default_setup"): default.update({self.keyword: parent.default_setup}) self.shared.setup.fill_blanks(default)
[docs] def match(self, value, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Return ``True`` iff ``value`` matches ``self``. Default is keyword match. This method can be overloaded by subclasses. """ return value == self.keyword
def __lt__(self, other): priority = self.priority if callable(priority): priority = priority() # pylint: disable=not-callable other_priority = other.priority if callable(other_priority): other_priority = other_priority() if priority == other_priority: return self.keyword < other.keyword return priority < other_priority
[docs] def find_plugins( libdirs: typing.Union[typing.Iterable[str], None] = None ) -> typing.Iterator[Plugin]: """Iterate over available plugins. :param typing.Iterable[str] libdirs: Additional iterable of directories where plugins can be found. """ if libdirs is None: libdirs = [] path = [] path.extend( [ os.path.join(utils.expand_path(item), "plugins") for item in [".evariste", "~/.local/evariste", "~/.evariste"] ] ) path.extend([utils.expand_path(item) for item in libdirs]) path.extend([os.path.join(item, "evariste") for item in sys.path]) yielded = set() for module in utils.iter_modules(path, "evariste."): for attr in dir(module): if attr.startswith("_"): continue obj = getattr(module, attr) if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Plugin): if obj.keyword is None: continue if obj in yielded: continue yielded.add(obj) yield obj
def find_plugins_sorted(libdirs=None): """Like :fun:`find_plugins`, but returns a :class:`utils.DeepDict`. The returned object is a dictionary of dictionaries: - first keys are plugin types; - second keys are plugin keywords; - values are the only plugin of said type and said keyword. """ plugindict = utils.DeepDict(2) for plugin in find_plugins(libdirs): if plugin.keyword in plugindict[plugin.plugin_type]: raise SameKeyword( plugin.keyword, plugin, plugindict[plugin.plugin_type][plugin.keyword], ) plugindict[plugin.plugin_type][plugin.keyword] = plugin return plugindict def get_libdirs(libdirs): """Convert `libdirs` setup option (as a string) to a list of path (as strings).""" if not libdirs: return [] if isinstance(libdirs, str): return shlex.split(libdirs) if isinstance(libdirs, list): return libdirs return []
[docs] class Loader: """Load plugins :param evariste.shared.Shared shared: The :ref:`shared <shared>` object among plugins. The constructor (:meth:`Loader.__init__`): - reads the :ref:`setup file <setup>` (looking for the :ref:`libdirs <libdirs>` option); - search all plugins (subclasses of :class:`Plugin`); - instanciate: - the :const:`mandatory plugins <MANDATORY_PLUGINS>`, - those enabled in the :ref:`setup file <setup>`, - and their dependencies; - store them in some attribute, so that they can be accessed later. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, *, shared): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches self.shared = shared # Load plugins: # Given the avaialble plugins, only loads relevant plugins. to_load = set() self.available = find_plugins_sorted( get_libdirs(self.shared.setup["setup"]["libdirs"]) ) # Step 0: Convert setup options in a list of keyword if self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"] is None: self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"] = [] else: if isinstance(self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"], str): self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"] = shlex.split( self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"] ) elif isinstance(self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"], list): pass else: raise ValueError( ( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string, line-too-long "'Setup[setup][plugins]' should be a string or a list (is now {}: '{}')." ).format( type(self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"]), self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"], ) ) # Step 1: Add enabled plugins for keyword in self.shared.setup["setup"]["plugins"]: try: self.available.get_subkey(keyword) except KeyError as error: raise PluginNotFound(keyword) from error to_load.add(keyword) # Step 2: Enable/disable plugins according to their "enable" configuration for types in self.available.values(): for plugin in types.values(): if "enable" in self.shared.setup[plugin.keyword]: if utils.yesno(self.shared.setup[plugin.keyword]["enable"]): to_load.add(plugin.keyword) elif plugin.keyword in MANDATORY_PLUGINS: LOGGER.warning( f"""Attemp to disable mandatory plugin "{plugin.keyword}" ignored.""" ) continue else: to_load.discard(plugin.keyword) # Step 3: Add default plugins to_load |= MANDATORY_PLUGINS # Step 4: Manage dependencies to_process = to_load.copy() processed = set() while to_process: keyword = to_process.pop() try: # Check if plugin exists self.available.get_subkey(keyword) except KeyError as error: raise PluginNotFound(keyword) from error for dependency in itertools.chain( self.available.get_subkey(keyword).depends, self.available.get_subkey(keyword).depends_dynamic(self.shared), ): try: # Check if plugin exists self.available.get_subkey(dependency) except KeyError as error: raise PluginNotFound(dependency) from error if (dependency not in to_load) and (dependency not in processed): to_load.add(dependency) to_process.add(dependency) processed.add(keyword) # Step 5: Instanciate plugins self._plugins = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._hooks = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(set)) for keyword in to_load: plugin = self.available.get_subkey(keyword)(self.shared) self._plugins[plugin.plugin_type][keyword] = plugin for hooktype, name, function in hooks.iter_hooks(plugin): self._hooks[hooktype][name].add(function)
[docs] def values( self, plugin_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> typing.Iterable[Plugin]: """Iterate over plugins. :param typing.Optional[str] plugin_type: See :meth:`Loader.iter`. """ if plugin_type is None: for ptype in self._plugins: yield from self._plugins[ptype].values() else: yield from self._plugins[plugin_type].values()
def applymethodhook( self, hookname: str, function: typing.Callable, *args, **kwargs ): """Apply a :ref:`method hook <methodhook>`. That is, run stuff before and after a method call. :param str hookname: Name of the hook to apply. :param function function: Function to which the hook is to be applied. :param list args: List of parameters to pass to hooks and ``function``. :param dict kwargs: Dictionary of parameters to pass to hooks and ``function``. """ with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: for hook in sorted(self._hooks["contexthook"][hookname], key=str): stack.enter_context(hook(*args, **kwargs)) for hook in sorted(self._hooks["methodhook"][hookname], key=str): function = hook(function) return function(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def applyiterhook(self, hookname: str, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Iterable: """Apply an :ref:`iteration hook <iterhook>`. Run every fonction hooked to this name (they should be iterators), and iterate over the chain of those iterators. :param str hookname: Name of the hook to apply. :param list arg: Positional arguments passed to the hooks. :param dict kwargs: Named arguments passed to the hooks. """ for hook in sorted(self._hooks["iterhook"][hookname], key=str): yield from hook(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_plugin(self, keyword: str) -> Plugin: """Return the plugin with the given keyword. :raises NoMatch: If no (loaded) plugin was found with this keyword. """ for plugin in self.values(): if plugin.keyword == keyword: return plugin raise NoMatch(keyword, sorted(plugin.keyword for plugin in self.values()))
[docs] def items( self, plugin_type: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, Plugin]]: """Iterate over plugin keywords. :param typing.Optional[str] plugin_type: See :meth:`Loader.iter`. """ for plugin in self.values(plugin_type): yield plugin.keyword
[docs] def match(self, plugin_type: typing.Optional[str], value) -> Plugin: """Return the first plugin matching ``value``. A plugin ``Foo`` matches ``value`` if ``Foo.match(value)`` returns ``True``. :param typing.Optional[str] plugin_type: See :meth:`Loader.iter`. """ for plugin in sorted(self.values(plugin_type), reverse=True): if plugin.match(value): return plugin raise NoMatch(value, sorted(self.iter(plugin_type)))
[docs] def iter( self, plugin_type: typing.Union[str, None] = None ) -> typing.Iterable[Plugin]: """Iterate over keywords. :param typing.Optional[str] plugin_type: Type of the plugins to iterate over. - if ``None``, iterate over keywords of every (loaded) plugins; - else, iterate over keywords of plugins of this given type only. """ if plugin_type is None: for ptype in self._plugins: yield from self._plugins[ptype] else: yield from self._plugins[plugin_type]